Ohio House Motel recently unveiled a new website to offer better and more convenient services to all their visitors. With the new website, you may book and reserve rooms regardless of where you are in the country. As a matter of fact, even if you are from a different country and you want to visit Chicago, you are able to always visit their website and book your lodging there. If you are going to book your accommodations online, you’ll get a free breakfast and parking space. If you’d like a River North Chicago hotel or a Cost-effective Hotel in Chicago, you may always expect that Ohio House Motel will probably be your most suitable choice.
Ohio House Motel opened in 1960. Ever since then, they’ve been giving the best lodging for a cost that you may afford. You may find this motel at the corner of LaSalle Street and Ohio Street in the heart of Downtown Chicago.
It’s factual that Ohio House became well-known for its low cost, but it has become known in Chicago because it provides comfy, inexpensive and clean lodging. It has recently gone through refurbishments and repairs to make certain that it could be able to provide the best place for guests.
Despite all of the refurbishments done, Ohio House is still really cost-effective so tons of guests prefer to reserve a room.
The new Ohio House website actually highlights the online booking function that will enable people from around the United States to book and reserve a room if they’re intending to visit Chicago. This is very convenient and easy simultaneously. You only need to access the website, click on the booking function and choose a room that you would like. This is actually easy to use so you don’t need to call them or go directly to the motel just to book your accommodation.
The good thing about this is that you get free breakfast by booking online and you are going to get free parking and WIFI access. If you wish to talk to them to inquire, you can always get the phone number on their website.
Ohio House Motel is the same with any other hotels and motels that provide promotional discounts and deals every once in awhile. This means that the very inexpensive rooms that they’ve can even get more discounts if you are able to find some good deals on their website. You may also be a member and earn free nights in Ohio House so you are able to call them if you are interested with this. They give free parking, free breakfast if you book online and there’s also free WIFI access so you are going to always be updated online. If you always want to be updated on the latest deals that they give, you can always sign up on their website and be notified on your email.
If you’d like to look for a Chicago Hotel with free parking and a Chicago Hotel with free breakfast, Ohio House Motel is your most suitable choice. The new website will make it simpler for you to reserve a room no matter where you are.

Ohio House Motel
600 N LaSalle Dr, Chicago, IL 60654
(312) 943-6000